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  1. All actions taken by the Event Manager in respect of booking and allocation of stalls/spaces/venue management shall be deemed to have been taken on behalf of the Event Exhibitors are required to liaise with the Event Manager in this respect.
  2. The Organizer reserves the rights to accept or refuse any applicant to take part in the Exhibition or regarding displaying any exhibit without assigning any reason whatsoever. All decisions of the Organizer/Event Manager to such effect shall be final. No reason for any such decision shall be given and no claim or objection from any Exhibitor in relation thereto shall be entertained.
  3. The Organizer reserves the rights to cancel the Exhibition and in such case shall refund all the payments (without interest) made by the Exhibitor to the Organizer in relation to the Exhibition and the Exhibitor hereby waives all rights, actions, and claims whatsoever for compensation under this Contract.
  1. All bank charges shall be borne by the exhibitor.
  2. In case of cancellation of the booking by the Exhibitor less than 5 months prior to the Event, 25% of the total rental payable would be forfeited, while cancelling less than 3 months but more than 2 months, 50% of the total rental shall be forfeited to an Exhibitor cancelling or reducing his reserved space less than 2 months Any payment made does not necessarily guarantee the allocation of the space until the stall/booth location has been approved by the Event Manager & communicated to the Exhibitor.
  3. SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS – All outstanding accounts must be settled before taking over possession of the space for stall build-up. Possession Form/Gate Passes shall be issued by the Event Manager only after all accounts are settled and clearance is obtained from the Event Manager
  1. The Event Manager would do its utmost to allocate stalls/booths in the order of choices given. However, in case these choices are already booked, alternate space shall be allocated in a manner the Event Manager deems fit and all decisions to such effect taken by the Event Manager shall be final and binding upon the Exhibitor.
  2. The Event Manager is entitled in its absolute discretion to change, withdraw or otherwise, deal with Exhibition Space allocated to an Exhibitor or change the dates and/or venue of the Exhibition or alter the size and dimension of the Exhibition space, or change/close entrances, exits and accesses to the Exhibition space, even if such matters have been confirmed, and in such circumstances, the Contract between the Organizer and the Exhibitor shall continue to bind the parties, as appropriate. Any commitment in any correspondence which does not conform to or is in addition to these Rules and Regulations shall not bind the Event Manager unless such variation is expressly agreed in writing by the Organizer.
  3. Exhibition space is let strictly to the Exhibitor, sub-letting, assigning, or parting with possession of any space in favor of other party is not allowed. The Event Manager reserves the right to cancel the participation of the Exhibitor in case stall/booth sub-letting is
  4. The Event Manager reserves the right to close any machine or device of the Exhibitor and remove it at any time before or during the Exhibition, if in opinion of the Event Manager, such machine or device is dangerous or causing inconvenience for other stall/booth holders or In case of resistance, the Event Manager may remove such Exhibitor or his representatives from the Exhibition Hall with reasonable force, at the expense of the Exhibitor, without the Event Manager is liable for any loss or damage which may occur by or through such removal.
  1. Shell scheme stalls are all uniform design including the fascia with the Exhibitor’s name. No alteration or addition is allowed to be made to the standard fascia and lettering by Exhibitors.
  2. Exhibitor must strictly follow the Rules and Regulations of Participation and cooperate with the Event Manager’s official contractor before the commencement of any work at the stall.
  3. All standard shells are framed with high-quality materials. The Exhibitors are forbidden to apply any poster, wallpaper, paint, drilling, nail, or screw on the panels; the Exhibitors, however, may apply single or double-sided tapes on the existing panels.
  4. No glue, scotch tape, self-adhesive paper, screw, nail, spike, pin, or paint shall be used on floors, walls, pillars, or any part of the Exhibition Hall’s permanent structure.
  5. Bare scheme stalls shall be constructed only by the Official Stall Building Contractor. However, if Bare Scheme Stall Exhibitor intends to deploy any other Non-Official Stall Building Contractor, he shall submit his Contractor’s particulars on Form # 6 available on the Event website through OLESS at least 3 months prior to the Event for approval by the Event Manager.
  6. Height of the bare space stalls shall not exceed 2.4 meters at the edge. In case it is intended to be higher, it may be taken up to a maximum of 4.5 m beyond 1 m from the edge inside his booked space.
  7. In case of non-compliance with the Rules and Regulations, the Event Manager reserves the right to modify stall layout during or after erection at the cost of the Exhibitor.
  8. The detailed design of the stall/booth shall be submitted to the Event Manager for approval at least 2 months prior to the Event. After the approval of the design, the Exhibitor shall make no alteration without the written consent of the Event Manager.
  9. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for removal of all packaging waste and rubbish materials resulting from erection or dismantling from the Exhibition Hall. No storage facilities shall be provided for packaging cases, surplus materials or other belongings of the Exhibitor.
  10. All containers, packing, and any items or articles not for display must be removed from the Exhibition Hall 24 hours before the day of opening.
  11. No pressurized container shall be used in the Exhibition Hall without the prior written approval of the Event Manager.
  1. No stall/booth shall be left unattended at any time during the opening hours of the Exhibition. The Exhibitor’s staff must be present at the relevant stall/booth at least 1 Hour before the opening and leave the Exhibition Hall not later than 30 minutes after the closing of the Exhibition.
  2. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for the good conduct of his stall attendants.
  3. No sales activity shall be conducted by the Exhibitor outside his allocated stall/booth area.
  4. No direct advertising by the Exhibitor is allowed outside his allocated stall space in the entire Expo Center premises including Boundary Grills unless contracted for in writing.
  5. No activity, particularly loud noise which in the opinion of the Event Manager, causes nuisance or annoyance to others shall be undertaken by the Exhibitor, in particular, by the audiovisual equipment. The Event Manager reserves the right to confiscate any such equipment which in its opinion, is creating a loud noise and is offensive to others. The Event Manager also reserves the right to disconnect the power supply to such Exhibitors.
  6. The Exhibitor shall submit all material particulars of the exhibits including weights and dimensions to the Event Manager for its prior approval on Form # 7 available on the Event website through OLESS; the unit weight of the exhibits shall not exceed 1785 Kg/m’.
  7. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for damage to the structure or any part of the Exhibition Hall or other Exhibitor or Exhibits resulting from loading/unloading his Exhibits & bear its entire costs & consequences.
  8. No exhibit is allowed to be taken into the stall/booth once the Exhibition has been officially opened unless special permission is given by the Event Manager in writing.
  9. If an exhibit is displayed in working, safety and precaution must be taken for the protection of the visitors through legible signs of “DANGER – DO NOT TOUCH” in English, displayed on a prominent place to warn the public. Exhibitor intending to demonstrate working equipment in his stall/booth must provide the Event Manager in writing with full details of the working machinery concerned at least one month in advance and obtain the Event Manager’s written approval to this effect.
  10. All exhibits shall be confined to the area of the Exhibition space allocated to the Exhibitor Any exhibit displayed outside his allocated booth shall be confiscated.
  1. All goods must be moved by rubber-tired trolleys over protective boarding, safeguarding the Hall floor.
  2. The Exhibitor shall strictly follow the schedule for moving its exhibits and other articles into/out of its stall/booth, as per the EXHIBITOR MANUAL.
  3. All exhibits/component materials shall be removed soon after the closure of the Exhibition and accomplished within 48 hours; materials left behind shall be deemed forsaken. The costs incurred for the removal of any such item shall be borne by the Exhibitor.
  1. All electrical works for the Bare Space stalls/booths shall be carried out by the Official Contractor appointed by the Event Manager and all charges thereof shall be borne by the Exhibitor.
  2. No electrical installation work shall be carried out without the permission of the Event Manager. Details of electrical installation shall be submitted to the Event Manager for approval at least 7 days before the commencement of on-site works.
  1. One single phase, 220 volts (50 Hz), the 10-amp connection will be provided to each Exhibitor. Shell scheme stall also includes 3 spotlights of 100 watts each in addition. Please refer to Forms # 8 & 9 available on the Event website for “Additional Utility Requirements & Electrical Items” for details of charges and ordering procedures through OLES S.
  2. A limited number of telephone lines and DSL connectivity for internet will be available on payment on a first come first served basis, refer to Form # 10 available on the Event website for details of charges and ordering procedures through OLES S.
  3. No other contractor is allowed to carry out electrical, telephone, or internet installations except the Official Contractor appointed by the Event Manager.
  1. The Exhibitor must have valid and adequate insurance cover against theft, fire, public liability, damage to property, personal injury, third party loss, accidents, natural calamities, acts of God, and such other risks normally or as required by the Event Manager, in connection with its activities during the Exhibition (including the moving in and moving out periods).
  2. The Exhibitor’s articles brought into the stall and taken out shall be entirely at the Exhibitor’s own risk, who shall be responsible for the safety of its belongings at all times.
  3. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify the Organizer/Event Manager against all and any action, claims, demands, losses (including consequential losses), proceedings, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses incurred by or made against the Organizer/Event Manager in connection with (a) breach of any of these Terms and Conditions, Rules and Regulations, by the Exhibitor or (b) any act, omission, default or negligence, loss or damage caused by the Exhibitor in connection with any other person, property, the Exhibition, and the Exhibition Halls.
  4. The Organizer/Event Manager shall not be liable for any loss (including consequential losses), damages, demands, costs, claims, charges or other expenses of any kind suffered or incurred by the Exhibitor in connection with the Exhibition including, but not limited to, any theft, fire, defect in the Exhibition Halls howsoever caused, cancellation or early closure of, or delay in the opening or closing of the Exhibition for whatever reason of any kind arising in respect thereof. The Exhibitor must insure against any such event occurrence.
  5. The Organizer/Event Manager shall not be responsible for the loss or damage to any property of the Exhibitor or any other person caused by theft, fire, storm, tempest, lightning, national emergency, civil unrest, war, labor disputes, defect in the Karachi Expo Centre Exhibition Halls, lockouts, explosions, acts of God and general cases of force majeure whether or not ejusdem generis with the foregoing or any cause not within the Event Manager’s control or for any loss or damage sustained in case that the opening or holding of the Event is prevented, postponed or abandoned or if any Hall becomes totally or partially unavailable for the holding of the Event due to any of the foregoing causes.
  6. The Exhibitors shall take out insurance policy cover at their own costs for indemnifying the Event Manager, Event Manager, visitors, themselves & their staff against all risks in this respect.
  7. The Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold the Organizer/Event Manager safe and harmless from all losses and damages to person or property and all claims arising out of the Exhibitor’s stand fittings on account of the causes stated above.
  1. Any work carried out by the Exhibitor in Pakistan must be in accordance with the current local Laws and Regulations in Pakistan. Any contravention of these Terms and Conditions / Rules and Regulations will be entirely at the Exhibitor’s risk, costs, or consequences in this respect.
  2. Failure of the Exhibitor at any time before or during the Exhibition to comply with any of the Exhibition Rules and Regulations shall automatically deprive the Exhibitor of his right to participate any further in the Exhibition and no claim for refund of any rental paid shall be entertained by the Event Manager.
  3. The Event Manager reserves the right to alter and amend any of the Rules and Regulations and issue additional rules it deems necessary for the orderly conducting of the Exhibition. Any dispute or difference arising out of the interpretation of these Rules and Regulations, regarding the rights, duties, and obligations of the Exhibitor shall be decided by the Event Manager whose decision shall be final and binding upon the Exhibitor.
  4. For the purposes of these Rules and Regulations, the expressions Organizer, Event Manager, Exhibitor, Exhibition & Exhibition Hall mean the respective parties, event, and venue.
  5. ‘Exhibitor’ includes any of its employees, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, sub-licensees, or assignees, who shall not deploy persons under 18 years for any assignment.
  6. Organizer includes the Organizer’s and Event Manager’s employees, directors, officers, official contractors, sub-contractors, and authorized agents/assignees.
  1. The Exhibitors hereby agree to accomplish all the requisite formalities including the provision of information in the prescribed time limit as instructed by the Event Manager. The information received will be treated as final and authentic. Any information received after the deadline shall not be entertained.
  1. A “Force Majeure Event” (“FME”) shall mean any event or circumstance that is beyond the reasonable control of the Event Manager including but not limited to theft, fire, defect in the exhibition facility, storm, any act of God, pandemic or plague, ordinance, rule, orders, decree or regulation regardless of whether legislative or executive. On delivering an FME notice the Event Manager shall be excused from the performance of its obligations. The Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Event Manager from any loss or damage and in no event shall the Exhibitor have any claim of damages or compensation of any kind against the Event Manager, and if it is not possible to hold the Exhibition as per the schedule the Event Manager shall refund such amount or monies that the Event Manager has received from the Exhibitor, after deducting the expenses deemed reasonable by the Event Manager. The Event Manager shall be entitled to reschedule the Exhibition at its sole discretion. In case the Exhibition is rescheduled, the Exhibitor shall apply for participation at such Exhibition afresh and on payment of such fees as is fixed by the Event Manager.
  1. If, due to unavoidable circumstances, such as, without limitation, the premises on which the Exhibition is or is to be conducted becomes, in the sole discretion of the Event Manager unfit for occupancy, or on account of Force Majeure Event, the Event Manager shall not be held responsible for any direct, indirect or consequential losses, damages, increased costs, delays, harm, loss to goodwill or reputation, and the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to any claim any compensation in connection with such cancellation. If the Exhibition has not commenced the Exhibitor shall be returned the fees that it has paid. If the Exhibition is canceled after it has commenced the Exhibitor will return such percentage of the fees (after deducting any costs and expenses) as is equal to the percentage of the duration of the Exhibition that stands cancelled
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